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Aloe Vera Powder

Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that is widely used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. Its leaves are full of a gel-like substance that contains numerous beneficial compounds. Aloe vera contains various powerful antioxidant compounds. Some of these compounds can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

Aloe vera has strong laxative effects, making it useful to treat constipation. It does not appear to be beneficial for other diseases of the digestive tract.

Aloe vera reduced erythema (redness of the skin), but was also found to dehydrate skin cells, it can treat skin conditions like psoriasis and radiation dermatitis. Aloe vera may have anti-aging effects on the skin


Aloe vera contains a unique type of sugar called Acemannan. The polysaccharide is believed to have antiviral properties, ease gastrointestinal problems and stimulate the immune system.


Protein 2.6 g/100g Cholesterol <1.0 mg/100g
Fat <0.1 g/100g Total Dietary Fibre 19.6 g/100g
Trans Fat <0.1 g/100g Sugar 27.3 g/100g
Saturated Fat <0.1 g/100g Vitamin A <15 µg/100g
Monounsaturated Fat <0.1 g/100g Vitamin A [Beta Carotene] <15 µg/100g
Polyunsaturated fat <0.1 g/100g Vitamin C 22.4 mg/100g
Carbohydrates 70.0 g/100g Calcium 5612.08 mg/100g
Energy 290.5 Kcal/100g Iron [Fe] 9.77 mg/100g

Quality Control Department

Genus & Species (Botanical) Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f., syn Aloe barbadensis
Family (Botanical) Liliaceae
CAS Number 85507-69-3
Plant Part (Source/Part) Whole leaf Aloe
Standardization Total Polysaccharides
Process Spray dry
Country of Origin India
S. No. Parameters Specification Method
1 Description White to Off white color powder Visual/Organoleptic
2 Moisture by KF NMT 7.0% USP <921>
3 Residue on ignition NMT 25.0% USP <281>
4 Solubility Freely soluble in water ALPL/QC/STP-GT/028
5 pH (1% Solution) 4.0 – 5.5 USP <791>
6 Tapped bulk density 0.10 - 0.30 g/ml USP <616>
Sieve Test (passes through)
7 # 40 mesh NLT 100.0% w/w USP <786>
# 60 mesh NLT 90.0% w/w
8 Assay Total Polysaccharides
(Acetone precipitation)
NLT 50.0% w/w ALPL/QC/STP-GT/035
9 Acemannan
(Methanol precipitation)
NLT 20.0% w/w ALPL/QC/STP-GT/001
10 Content of Aloin by HPLC NMT 1.0ppm ALPL/QC/STP-IN/001
11 Heavy Metals
Lead NMT 5.0ppm ICP-OES
Arsenic NMT 1.0ppm ICP-OES
Cadmium NMT 0.3ppm ICP-OES
Mercury NMT 0.1ppm ICP-OES
12 Residual Solvents Should comply by ICH/USP USP<467>
13 Residual Pesticides Should comply by USP for Botanicals USP<561>
Microbiological Profile
14 Total plate count NMT 5000cfu/g USP<2021>
Yeast and moulds count NMT 100cfu/g USP<2021>
Escherichia coli Absent/10g USP<2022>
Salmonella Absent/10g USP<2022>
Staphylococcus aureus Absent/10g USP<2022>
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Absent/10g USP<62>
Enterobacteriaceae Absent /10g USP <2021>
GMO Compliant GMO Free
Irradiation Compliant (PSL and/or TL) Compliant
Ethylene Oxide Compliant Compliant
Compound Ingredients Aloe vera
Allergens Free from Allergens
Note Does not contain Gluten
Cultivated or wild crafted Cultivated
Certifications Organic, Kosher
Storage And Handling Terms
Shelf life of this product is 24 months from the production date in unopened bag. Keep the product under cool and dry conditions. Unused portions should be kept in an airtight container. Product highly hygroscopic. When Exposed to moist environment it could cake without losing its properties
Packaging Terms Two doubled polyethylene bags inside a fiber drum, containing 25 kg