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Garcinia indica

Anthocyanins are water-soluble vacuolar pigments that, depending on their pH, may appear red, purple, or blue. Food plants rich in anthocyanins include the blueberry, raspberry, black rice, and black soybean, among many others that are red, blue, purple, or black. Some of the colors of autumn leaves are derived from anthocyanins. We are standardizing the content of Anthocyanins in Garcinia Indica, which has an additional activity like anti obese activity Anthocyanins belong to a parent class of molecules called flavonoids synthesized via the phenylpropanoid pathway. They occur in all tissuesof higher plants, including leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruits.

Anthocyanins are derived from anthocyanidins by adding sugars. They are odorless and moderately astringent. Although approved to color foods and beverages in the European Union. There is no conclusive evidence anthocyanins have any effect on human biology or diseases. Anthocyanins are approved for use as food colorants in the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand, having colorant code E163. Although anthocyanins have been shown to have antioxidant properties in vitro


Jayaprakasam et al. (2005) showed that anthocyanins and anthocyanidins can induce insulin release from pancreatic β-cells. Anthocyanins are reported to have potential for treatment of diabetic retinopathy (Nabavi et al., 2015). Anthocyanin protects against diabetes-related endothelial dysfunction as well as increases adiponectin secretion (Liu et al., 2014).

Research also indicates that anthocyanins make a greater contribution to the antioxidant activity of fruits than other phenolic compounds.


A Summary of Anthocyanin Characteristics:

»»» Create pigmentation in dark colored fruits and vegetables

»»» Natural SPF protectant for both plants and our skin

»»» Scavenge free radicals

»»» Reduce inflammatory markers

»»» Suppress cytokine activity

»»» Trigger activity in cells and genes that protect against inflammation and shut off the communication signals which promote expression of oncogenes

»»» Promote normal cell differentiation of certain cancers

»»» Increase apoptosis in cancer cells

Quality Control Department

Product Name GarcyaNIN
Botanical Name Garcinia indica
Plant part Fruit
Standardization Anthocyanins
S. No. Parameters Specification Method
1 Description Pale to dark pink color powder with characteristic odor Visual/Organoleptic
2 Identification To comply by TLC finger print ALPL/QC/STP-TLC/006
3 Loss on drying NMT 10.0%w/w USP <731>
4 Residue on ignition NMT 10.0%w/w USP <281>
5 Solubility Soluble in water ALPL/QC/STP-GT/039
6 Tapped bulk density 0.4-0.7 g/ml USP <616>
Sieve Test (passes through)
7 # 40 mesh NLT 95.0% w/w USP <786>
# 60 mesh NLT 90.0% w/w
8 Anthocynins by UV Spectrophotometer NLT 15.0% w/w as such basis ALPL/QC/STP-IN/027
9 Heavy Metals
Lead NMT 5.0ppm ICP-OES
Arsenic NMT 1.0ppm ICP-OES
Cadmium NMT 0.3ppm ICP-OES
Mercury NMT 0.1ppm ICP-OES
10 Residual Solvents Should comply by ICH/USP USP<467>
Microbiological Profile
11 Total plate count NMT 5000cfu/g USP<2021>
Yeast and moulds count NMT 100cfu/g USP<2021>
Escherichia coli Absent/10g USP<2022>
Salmonella Absent/10g USP<2022>
Staphylococcus aureus Absent/10g USP<2022>
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Absent/10g USP<62>
Enterobacteriaceae Absent / 10g USP <2021>
Additional Information
Sanitizing treatment Non - irradiated and not treated with ETO
Genetic Modification Status GMO free
Storage condition Store at room temperature
Manufactured by Aura Leafs Labs Private Limited
Plot #10, Sy.No - 230 to 243, Synergy Square - I, MN Park, Genome Valley, Turkapally Village, Shamirpet Mandal, Medchal District,
Telangana, Hyderabad - 500101, India.