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  • info@auraleafs.com


Auraleafs is devoted to providing unique grades of Aloe vera products of the utmost quality, integrity, consistency and value using state-of-the-art technologies in doing so, improving the quality of life of our customers, collaborators, suppliers and communities which we serve in.

Aloe Vera : A plant with Special strengths

Up to the present date, a minimum of 160 important ingredients have been identified in the rich aloe vera leaves. Some experts summarize that the plant could contain as many as 300 to 400 life essential ingredients. Scientists agree in so far that it is not one single ingredient that accounts for the aloe vera’s healing effects but that it is a synergy effect of all combined ingredients.

This is exactly what makes the plant so very special: It contains a variety of essential properties that complement each other and combined have a powerful effect. The combined properties supply the human body with a wealth of healing substances.

Ingredients of Aloe vera

Monosaccharide and polysaccharide
Amino acids
Minerals and micronutrients

The Main Active Ingredient of the Aloe Vera Plant

Acemannan :

The main active ingredient in the Aloe Vera Plant is Acemannan. It belongs to the family of the healthy natural sugar molecules called mucoplysacharide, an immune polysaccharide (sugar molecule), belongs to a group of biological response modifiers that interact with the receptors (cell communicators) on the surface of immune system cells, having a stimulatory effect.

Acemannan strengthens and supports the immune system by activating the Makrophagi (The Scavanger Cells), the antibodies, and the killer cells. It lowers the tendency of the body to develop allergies. Hence, Acemannan possesses characteristics that stimulate the immune system, are antiviral, antibacterial, and antimykotic (Antifungal). This means that Aloe Vera can prohibit Candida growth.

Acemannan was able to act praebiotically. Praebiotica act as a food for the Bacteria in our intestines and are able to support healthy intestinal flora. It is especially the Acemannan which appears to enforce the production of butyrat. Butyrat belongs to the short-chain fatty acids, which are of immense importance for the intestinal immune system. Acemannan is also able to protect the bone marrow from the influence of drugs and poisons. There are studies in America that try to determine if Acemannan is not able to crack the outer coating of cancer cells. Through embedding Acemannan into the Cell membranes, the immune system gathers strength as a result.

New Technology :

Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, the processing of stabilized Acemannan changed very little. Then, in the early 2005, the discovery was made that only specifically-sized fractions of Acemannan (Aloe vera’s bioactive molecule) were small enough to be absorbed directly into the blood stream, and other slightly larger fractions actually facilitated the plant’s amazing immunomodulatory effect. The larger fractions of Acemannan are converted to short chain fatty acids that provide additional gut health support.

With this new information, Auraleafs, one of the world’s leading experts on Aloe Acemannan processing, developed Truemannan®, a revolutionary new Aloe Vera extract with a proprietary concentration of these immune activating and bioavailable Acemannan fractions, offering consumers an effective, non-toxic integrative health strategy for supporting the body’s normal functions of defense, repair, and regeneration.

A new Standard :

Studies have shown Acemannans with a molecular weight of 400 KDa or less are powerful immune cell activators, while those at more than 400 KDa support only a little immune modulator activity. Acemannans with a molecular weight of less than 50 KDa can be absorbed immediately through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream, where they are transported throughout the body.

Why Auraleafs

Acemannan is a highly acetylated, polydispersed, linear mannan obtained from the mucilage of Aloe barbadensis, Miller (aloe vera). Molecular weight is 1-2 million daltons.

Our Unique Process

With our unique green technology process, we isolate the true Acemannan with a suitable membrane system and without using any heat, thus preserving the full spectrum of Complex Carbohydrate which includes the true Acemannan. This product is manufactured under current Good Manufacturing Practices. In order to maintain the Aloe vera natural components, no enzymes, heat, charcoal or preservatives are used in the process. Product does not contain genetically modified organisms nor been subjected to irradiation. This product is gluten free and manufactured with Aloe vera leaf GMO free. Product has been decolorized with a leaves from organically grown forms

The most common elaboration process in the industry used by other manufacturers includes heat for pasteurization and to remove some of the enzymes in Aloe Vera product production. Heat destroys the majority of real Acemannan which is responsible for immune system enhancement and balancing.

To manufacture TrueMannan® Auraleafs manually harvest mature leaves in our Organic forms, guaranteeing a product with the highest content of active ingredient.

TrueMannan® is pure and contains no additives or preservatives.


TrueMannan® contains the maximum benefits of nutritional glycobiology, and this product boasts before and better than anyone else. 100% aloe-based product designed to support cell-to-cell communication. An excellent source of glyconutrients, Truemannan®rich in acetylated mannans or acemannans.

The Chemical Abstract Society (CAS) has defined acemannan as requiring a molecular weight of one million Daltons or more. TrueMannan® is currently the only aloe powder in the world with a weight more than one million Daltons, testing the highest of any other similar product in a controlled test. TrueMannan® not only provides a purer form of aloe vera gel powder that has a higher molecular weight than others, but it is also richer in mannose, a key glyconutrient.

TrueMannan® only the product which is standardizing with its specification Acemannan assay by Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [NMR] by taking an internal standard Nicotinamide

Product Name TrueMannan®
Genus & Species (Botanical) Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f., syn Aloe barbadensis
Family (Botanical) Liliaceae
CAS Number 85507-69-3
Plant Part (Source/Part) Whole leaf Aloe
Standardization Total Polysaccharides
Process Spray dry
Country of Origin India
[Nutritional Information
Protein 2.6 g/100g Cholesterol <1.0 mg/100g
Fat <0.1 g/100g Total Dietary Fibre 19.6 g/100g
Trans Fat <0.1 g/100g Sugar 27.3 g/100g
Saturated Fat <0.1 g/100g Vitamin A <15 µg/100g
Monounsaturated Fat <0.1 g/100g Vitamin A [Beta Carotene] <15 µg/100g
Polyunsaturated fat <0.1 g/100g Vitamin C 22.4 mg/100g
Carbohydrates 70.0 g/100g Calcium 5612.08 mg/100g
Energy 290.5 Kcal/100g Iron [Fe] 9.77 mg/100g
GMO Compliant GMO Free
Irradiation Compliant (PSL and/or TL) Compliant
Ethylene Oxide Compliant Compliant
Compound Ingredients Aloe vera
Allergens Free from Allergens
Note Does not contain Gluten
Cultivated or wild crafted Cultivated
Certifications Organic, Kosher
Storage And Handling Terms
Shelf life of this product is 24 months from the production date in unopened bag. Keep the product under cool and dry conditions. Unused portions should be kept in an airtight container. Product highly hygroscopic. When Exposed to moist environment it could cake without losing its properties
Packaging Terms Two doubled polyethylene bags inside a fiber drum, containing 25 kg
Parameters S.No.
Specification Method
1 Description White to Off white color powder Visual/Organoleptic
2 Identification by UV Should match reference spectrum ALPL /QC/STP-IN/016
3 Moisture by KF NMT 7.0% USP <921>
4 Residue on ignition NMT 25.0% USP <281>
5 Solubility Freely soluble in water ALPL /QC/STP-GT/028
6 pH (1% Solution) 4.0 – 5.5 USP
7 Tapped bulk density 0.1-0.25g/ml USP <616>
8 Total Polysaccharides
(Acetone precipitation)
NLT 50.0% w/w on as is basis ALPL /QC/STP-GT/035
9 Acemannan by NMR NLT 15.0% w/w on as is basis ALPL /QC/STP-GT/001
10 Content of Aloin by HPLC NMT 1.0ppm on as is basis ALPL/QC/STP-IN/001
11 Heavy Metals
Lead NMT 5.0ppm ICP-OES
Arsenic NMT 1.0ppm ICP-OES
Cadmium NMT 0.3ppm ICP-OES
Mercury NMT 0.1ppm ICP-OES
12 Residual solvents Should comply by ICH/USP USP <467>
Microbiological Profile
13 Total plate count NMT 5000cfu/g USP <2021>
Yeast and molds count NMT 100cfu/g USP <2021>
Escherichia coli Absent /10g USP <2022>
Salmonella Absent /10g USP <2022>
Staphylococcus aureus Absent /10g USP <2022>
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Absent /10g USP <62>
Enterobacteriaceae Absent /10g USP <2021>
Supplier Details
Plot # 10, Phase-I, Alexandria Park, Genome Valley,
Turkapally Village, Shamirpet Mandal,
R .R. District – 500101, Telangana, INDIA